Alysia Benjamin
Alysia grew up in Albuquerque, New Mexico, but now calls Greenville home. She is married to “the Haitian Sensation” and has two spunky girls. She loves to create and make art and works as a freelance Interior Designer creating beautiful spaces. Fitness has always been a huge part of her life starting at a young age as a competitive gymnast. Alysia has enjoyed a wide range of sports over the years. She is a certified Personal Trainer and is passionate about being healthy from the inside out. After discovering yoga and the benefits of the mind body connection she instantly became hooked to the practice and started incorporating it into her regular weight lifting routine. She fell in love with Soul Strong because it combines her favorite things: weights, cardio, and yoga into one amazing high-energy practice. She wants to share this love with others by teaching Soul Strong and helping others reach their potential to live life to its fullest by being their healthiest selves.